Understanding Retirement Saving Plan in Canada.

The Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP), is a personal savings plan that lets you save money over your lifetime on a tax-sheltered basis, so your money grows faster.

Who should invest in a RRSP?

  • Canadians under 71 years of age who earns employment income and wants to save for retirement by reducing their tax bill
  • Great for long-term retirement goals and generating ongoing income in your later years
  • Best suited for medium to high income earners

Reasons why you should invest in RRSP:

  • Claim your RSP contributions as a deduction on your tax return
  • Can carry forward deduction from contribution to future years when income might be higher
  • Won’t have to pay any taxes on investment gains as long as it remains in the RSP
  • Allows retirement savings to grow faster
  • When you’re ready to retire, you can convert your RSP to a RRIF or annuity to receive regular payments
  • Income from the RRIF will be taxable but in your later ages, you will potentially be in a lower tax bracket and pay less tax.
  • Split income in the household by contributing into spousal RSP
  • Retirement income can be split more equally between you and your spouse, generating a reduced amount of tax that higher income earner pays
  • Make withdrawals without paying any tax if you pay the money back within the specified time periods for:
    • Home Buyers Plan – withdraw from your RSP to contribute towards your first home purchase
    • Lifelong Learning Plan – withdraw from your RSP to contribute towards education costs

This is what we can help you with Your Investing.

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